The places you have come to fear the most

Friday, June 10

hey found this signage at queensway, find it rather funny...=p

signage Posted by Hello

posted by ntt  @ 7:24 PM

Wednesday, May 18

Two days after the event....
Heya im back!!! been really busy(& lazy) for the past 2 months so didn't really blog...finally i am finished with the event project, its about a Flair workshop..took some pics and clip will be uploading it soon =)
oh and i did the pic with photoshop, more will be out soon heez

my creation Posted by Hello

posted by ntt  @ 8:25 PM

Friday, March 18

finally some new pics!!!
yehaa heres some updated pics...

wmu Posted by Hello

nice!! Posted by Hello

abstract art? Posted by Hello

kong!~! Posted by Hello

a ride esplanade Posted by Hello

phenomenon? Posted by Hello

paradesquare Posted by Hello

color combi Posted by Hello

esplanade Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 15

The past few days were great...we had a church event at east coast park on saturday...its like a mini treasure hunt fellowship, we had icebreaking games before we head for our treasure hunting...there was 4 pit stop which is quite far from one and other so its tiring afterwhich we had a "Battle Of The Troy" segment its actually building our own sandcastle and trying to defend it while attacking others simultaneously...had to rearm and "savage" their castle at one point...I enjoyed it the most, seeing people drench and wasted haha...then i met up with kong and ken at my area cuz we intending to go to IT fair at suntec convention hall...however we kinda regret to go there late as its already extremely crowded beginning from the bridge that connect suntec city and city link together...its so humid and squeezing but its worth our effort as theres lots of cheap bargin going on..especially the Creative booth everyone is going gaga over it!!!
Got to wake up early in the morning as im involved in the soccer tournament organise by my school...its at a wuloo place at changi air base...stayed from 7am to 4pm there so got kinda tan or burn haha...

burnt!! Posted by Hello

posted by ntt  @ 7:48 AM

Saturday, March 5

Pulau Ubin
Was suppose to meet wenhao and yanling 1pm at pasir ris mrt...but in the end due to some obstruction I reach there at around 145 instead haha =x..we decided to racky pulau ubin for some church stuff...*pshh* we were all rather new to pulau ubin so we kinda lost* our way there..after 1/2 hour of bus ride we arrived at the changi jetty...the ferry fees cost only 2 bucks phew...the 1st thing we do when we are at the island we approached the rugged looking information counter for the island map..we rent the bikes(6bucks) and continue on our exploration trip =)...we took pictures of several landmarks and doggies too...when its around 630 we decided to head for home however the dock was flooded with npccs from several school luckily we were able to get on board a "civilian" bumboat haha...after we parted at tampiness station I head back to holland village for dinner with choy and kong...we had thai express again as usual and cracked lots of lame jokes there...

Conclusion(thai express):-
thai ice tea which taste like teh talik
lemon-grass chicken soup
chicken cutlet with soft shell crab sauce(special order)

puppy!! Posted by Hello

hey there!! Posted by Hello

reservoir Posted by Hello

mac donald ahead?? Posted by Hello

bridge over troubled waters?! Posted by Hello

tree house Posted by Hello

posted by ntt  @ 2:30 AM

Tuesday, February 8

some pics that I took with my iCam
Buona Vista subway Posted by Hello

KL rail Posted by Hello

KL railway2 Posted by Hello

a village in KL Posted by Hello

the alley at the back of our hotel in KL Posted by Hello

Sungei road Posted by Hello

Sungei road(2) Posted by Hello

Sungei road(3) Posted by Hello

fa chai mao?? Posted by Hello

gallery...can see the image of the guy?? Posted by Hello

concert at esplanade(electrico) Posted by Hello

shot taken on kevin's van Posted by Hello

phew... Posted by Hello

took this at lavender mrt  Posted by Hello

took this at lavender mrt(2) Posted by Hello

posted by ntt  @ 2:46 PM


12/26/2004 - 01/02/2005   01/09/2005 - 01/16/2005   01/16/2005 - 01/23/2005   01/23/2005 - 01/30/2005   01/30/2005 - 02/06/2005   02/06/2005 - 02/13/2005   02/27/2005 - 03/06/2005   03/13/2005 - 03/20/2005   05/15/2005 - 05/22/2005   06/05/2005 - 06/12/2005  

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